Thursday, May 8, 2008
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Monday, May 5, 2008
- SURGERY! We think surgery is scheduled at 10:30 tomorrow morning, pray for safe, successful and quick surgery of the last small graft on my left stump
- HANDS & FINGERS! They continue to get better, while therapy is painful and still have a ways to go, still need prayer for complete returned function and use.
- Nancy, My roommate. She will be going to a nursing home for a few months before getting to go home. They are a great family and she needs prayers for physical and emotional healing. she gets down about her situation from time to time.
We continue to be amazed by all the cards and prayers we receive daily. We know that the speed of my recovery has to do with all the positive thoughts and prayers. Jamey and I still have a long way to go on this journey to return to normal and to decide what and how to use this experience, so continued prayers are definitely needed.
God Bless Each Of You!
Molly & Jamey
Saturday, May 3, 2008
- Hand and Fingers! They are slowly getting better, but a ways to go yet to get total function and feeling back in them
- Wounds! continued healing of legs and stumps
- Stumps! Healing of course, but also strengthening, reduced contractures, and shaping needed to get a good fit for new legs.
- SURGERY! Successful, quick, and safe skin graft on Tuesday. (We will update on Monday evening or when we know a more definite time)
- Spirits! They are good and we are thankful, however, we still have a lot of bridges to cross and challenges to face, so continue to pray for Jamey and Ito remain positive as we continue on our journey
- Safe Travels! for Jamey as he travels to and from the hospital and friend and family as they make visits.
God Bless You All for your continued prayers and thoughts, we could never had made it this far with out you, and will not be able to make it further without each and every one of you. You are all very special and dear to us both! Thank You!
Molly and Jamey
Friday, May 2, 2008
- Hands and fingers to keep gaining feeling and flexibility
- Healing of open areas on stumps and overall healing of grafts
- Keeping high spirits for both of us as we continue to discover our new definition of 'normal' and return home to everyday life in the next few weeks.
- Finding the right outpatient therapy center that can provide the needed services
- Finding the right prosthetist when the time comes to be fitted with new legs
- Clarity for what we are supposed to do to help others from this experience
Thank you will never suffice for what each of you have done for us, but nonetheless, Thank You for the prayers, positive thoughts, cards, gifts, comments, visits, etc. etc. etc.
God Bless you all!
Molly & Jamey