Monday, March 10, 2008

Monday Night

Well, i did not get to see much of Molly today as I traveled home to take care of things there. Believe it or not the bank, DP&L and others want our money too, lol! Anyway, Molly had a good day even though I was not there. She continues to make progress and there is a chance she may get off the ventilator in the next day or two. While this is awesome news, it does concern me, I just do not want the Docs to go to far to fast, but I trust there judgment, but please pray for them to make the right decisions at the right time. They are also stopping the "mild" dialysis tonight to see how she tolerates it, they beleive her vitals are strong and will do well. this means that every few days she will need regulary hemo-dialysis until her kidneys wake up, so pray that she tolerates this well and her kidneys start functioning so she will not need the hemo. She was placed on a special bed today that they use for recovering burn victims. This will help support her better to reduce the skin breakdown and also be benificial for her legs and feet. They are still a major concern as they are bleeding and need changed everyday. This is very painful and right now her sedation helps to keep her from feeling the pain, but they are reducing the sedation so she will start feeling the pain more in the next few days. Please pray for her pain. They have found a pulse in all the extremeties, Praise God!, yet several toes and fingers are still a concern in that they had went a long time with out blood flow, so continue to pray for her to be able to keep them all. Also along those same lines, there is a good chance she will need some plastic surgery and skin grafts on her legs so continue to pray that her skin on her legs will be able to recover on their own and not need the graphs. Another answered prayer is her lungs continue to clear and are looking very very good. Keep praying that they continue to clear and that we do not have any backsliding as the vent and being bed ridden can cause a different type of pneumonia that they may need to address. She is showing signs of her liver starting to repair itself, this is great news, thank God! but keep praying until we know for sure. She continues to show some alertness and is "fiesty" as the nurses put it, this makes it difficult for them to provide care, but is also a blessing that she is fighting and is strong. (Of course this is not news to me, I've known that for a long time.) In general, Molly is making incredible progress and I know it is due to the grace of God and countless prayers around the world, Keep Them Coming! Prayer Update: This is were I know for sure people are praying for Molly: South Carolina, Florida, Texas, California, Washington, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, Quebec Canada, Ontario Canada, south Africa, Dublin Ireland, China. I believe and feel that there are over a million people worldwide praying for Molly and I. I have come to understand the feel the power of prayer, in that I have not felt the first minute of fear, anxiety or worry since praying for the wisdom and strength to make the right decision about Molly's care. since I told Holly, the RN at Good Sam "send her to Michigan" I have had peace and I truly know without doubt that Molly is going to be OK and fully recover with no long-term affects from her ordeal. God Bless You all and keep praying and sharing with each other on the comments. More tomorrow after she has another day of progress!


Unknown said...

I couldn't sleep tonight, so I got on the computer and checked your sight and what great news I found. I immediately said a prayer that God intercede in all the areas that you mentioned so that Molly will see continuous improvements each day.
Tell Molly that we had an entire day of school Monday with no delays or early releases. That's one in a row! The sun was even out and the kids were able to go out for one recess. That is one in a row for outside recesses too! Things are looking up all around!
Everyone at Woodland is thinking of Molly and we love the website where we know we are getting the latest and most accurate updates that are possible. Thank you, Jamey, for giving of your precious time to keep us all informed. Tell Molly we miss her.

Debbie Brandt

zachyb24 said...

Praise God , Praise God from who all blessings flow.
What great praise reports on Molly. We are all rejoicing in this and GIVING GOD ALL THE GLORY.. He is holding you guys in the palm of HIS LOVING HANDS.
I forgot to tell you Jamey we have people praying in New Jersey also. I am sure even more places as we have passed it on to other friends and families in our e-mails. It is awesome when people can ALL pull together and lift 2 very special people up in prayer.
I couldn't sleep either. OF course I have a dog and cat and a kid in bed. hehe.. Braven didn't want Zach beside me she wanted to be in the middle. It was funny. One spoiled loved dog..
Molly, just keep getting better. We love and miss you so much.

Michelle , Zach , Dan and Sonja

sward said...

Molly & Jamey,

A quote I often refer to is: "It is impossible for that person to despair who remembers that his Helper is omnipotent."

When we remind ourselves that God is all-powerful and in complete control, even the bleakest days seem sunny.

I am praying for both of you daily. The recent news on your blog is so encouraging! Keep the faith!

Stacie (Blosser) Ward

Deanna said...

Good morning, Molly & Jamey!

Praise God for the daily recovery of Molly's body! Do you know that the entire town of Greenville is praying for you? At least it seems that way. :)

We will continue to pray for Molly's full recovery specifically the areas you mentioned. We will also pray for God to pour into Jamey with wisdom, patience, strength and travel mercies.

Love you both,
De, Joe & Kids

Corinne said...

Oh my goodness I haven't cried like this in a long time. I just now heard about this from Mindy and I wanted to send you both my love and prayers. I pray for Molly to continue fighting for a speedy recovery. I will pass her name along to all prayer lists in all of my families churches. I will also continue to spread the word to all I know, so they can pray for her as well. It made my heart happy to read she is responding so well to her treatments. I'll agree with you on the "God Bless the University of Michigan!" As a great man once said, "I'm down with that". God bless you all and all of her caretakers as well. I look forward to reading more good news.

Corinne Brown

sunshine said...

I will be praying for Molly everyday. I am glad that she is making progress and I hope that her body will continually repair itself. My little boy goes to Woodland and we also have a mutual friend Mindy McGlinch. I wanted you to know there are so many people praying for Molly's recovery and the strength that your family needs. I have seen prayers work everyday miracles for so many and myself included.
Christina Hartsock

bilmn5 said...

Jamey & Molly,
It sounds like you're doing much better Molly, keep fighting, you're doing great! Perry, the kids and I will keep you in all our prayers. Jamey, let us know if you need anything while you're in our neck of the woods, and when Molly gets well enough for non-family visitors. We love and miss you guys. =)
Love and Prayers,
Perry, Ty, Branden, Bri & Lainy

Tina Hauberg said...

Hello Jamey. Sajoel and I went to your house last evening for our lesson. We had no idea that Molly was so sick. On the way home, Sajoel says that a teacher told her that she would not be able to tutor her for a awhile because she was sick. She then proceeds to say that she did not believe her and started to cry. She has written Molly the most beautiful note that I will forward to you. If you could read it to her for Sajoel that would be wonderful. We wll continue to pray for a speedy recovery. Your mom filled me in this morning with all the details. What a journey.

Presbyterian said...

Dear Jamey,
Please let Molly know that she is in our prayers and thoughts at First Presbyterian, Greenville. She will remain on our prayer chain until we know she has had a full recovery. This time is difficult, but be encouraged with Jesus words which Paul quotes in 2 Corinthians 12:9, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Thanks for keeping us informed. Pastor John Person

Mike and Carol Williams said...

Dear Jamey and Molly,
The winery family is praying for all of you. We get our hope from "pray unceasingly" and our comfort from "I can do all things in Him who strengthens me". May God continue to heal Molly and be your strength. If there is anything we can do, please do not hesitate to ask. God be with you.
In His name,
Mike, Carol, Betty, and the gang at the winery

Meredith said...

I know you don't know me, but we are friends with parents at Molly's school. We were sent this link to pray for you. My heart goes out to you both. I hope that both you and molly can feel all the love and prayers that are being said for you all over the country. After having premature twins in intensive care, we know that the small steps are beautiful miracles. We will continue to pray as will many other people. Keep strong and hold fast to your faith.

All our love,
The Currier Family
Fort Belvoir, VA

Unknown said...

It puts a smile on my face to hear that Molly is being her strong, feisty self. This is the first school year I have worked with Molly, but I quickly came to admire her as a teacher and a person. As soon as you walk into her room, it is crystal clear how much she loves her kids, and they love her too. We all love you and are praying fervently for continued miracles. We hope you gain strength by the minute!
Amy Byers
Speech Therapist-Woodland

Unknown said...

So sorry that I missed your call last night. Thank you for trying to get back to me. Please share with Molly that there are three spiritual healers that have been working on her since last Thursday when I found out that she was sick. They are in Maine, Ohio and Florida and are spreading the word so that many more can join in prayer for her. We are all with you in love and Spirit.

Tj Eberwein

Dennis & Margie Null said...

Molly, Jamey & family - thank you for this blog, it helps to feel connected with her progress and area of concerns. Please know the states of VA and NY are also sending up prayers - we have passed the word. We wish for you a good day filled with progress at every turn.
God Bless and Love,

Unknown said...

Dear Jamey and Molly
Thank God for dear friends and loved ones. The Amigos are keeping in touch and sharing your blog and lifting you both up in prayer to the Master healer. We continue to pray for complete recovery and for strength to make it through each day. Many folks in Piqua, Troy and Tipp City, and area towns are praying for you Molly ! Keep fighting to come back to us all. We love and miss you.
Nancy and all the Amigos

Teresa said...

Jamey - when possible can you read this to Molly?
Hi Molly - so glad to hear you continue to make progress. So the nurse described you as being 'fiesty' - HA!!! She only knows half of it!!! I can't wait until I am able to come visit you to fill her in on the rest!!!
I continue to pray for you and so is my family - in particular - my mother is too- had to ask her - cause I know she's the one with a much more direct connection!!!
I keep thinking of all the times we have shared together - and you know me well enough to know - I have to try to bring humor to the situation - because beside prayer - laughter is the next best's like medicine.... so my goal is to try to make you laugh!!!
Ready? Today's you remember the time at the lake when the bat was flying around in the cabin - and it was just you - me and Cody??? I'm not sure anyone would have called us "fiesty' that night! I think 'wimp', 'sissy', 'scaredy cat', might have been used to describe us instead!!! Do you remember what happened when we all hid under the sheet together - now if that memory doesn't make you laugh - I don't know what will!!!
Hugs - get well wishes - and lots more prayers coming your way - Love ya! Teresa

Unknown said...

I am so glad to hear such great news! You and Molly are in my constant thoughts and prayers.
Pauline Eaton

Unknown said...

So glad to hear good news. Keep thinking positive thoughts! You, Molly, and your families are in my constant thoughts and prayers.
Best Wishes and may God be with you!
Pauline Eaton
Orlando, Florida

angie said...




Deb Green said...

Hi Molly and Jamey,
Just a note to let you know that you can add Missouri to your list of States praying for your recovery. Know you are in our hearts and minds daily.

"Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed; for the Lord thy God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9"

Your dad ate KFC tonight!

Deb G.

Unknown said...

i miss you mrs french. i hope you feel beter soon.


debby said...


I was so happy to see your beautiful eyes opening up on Sunday. I knew that you were going to be on the road to recovery. I will be there for you each step of they way. Love you, love everyone who is sending you such powerful prayers!

Debby, Adam, Alec and JOrdan