Friday, June 6, 2008

OK We're Back

Before you even say it, we know. We have gone for way too long without any postings or updates. For that we are sorry, however, as you quickly realize as you continue reading that time has become a very precious commodity. So, the last several weeks have been filled with doctors appointments, therapy visits, visits from family and friends, and just getting back to some sense of normal. However we have had to redefine 'normal' recently. Here is a sense of a regular day for us. Get up at the crack of noon, no just kidding, but unless we have an appointment in the morning, we do not get in any big hurry to get up, but are generally up around 8am. After some coffee (this is a big relief as Molly had lost her taste for coffee while in the hospital) and breakfast we begin our 2 hour journey to get ready. Although we are getting much better and quicker and when we have to can make it in about 1 1/2 hours. Then it is off to therapy or doctors visits. Of which, hand therapy takes the most time as the clinic is in Vandalia and usually lasts from 2-3 hours, so with drive time it is usually a 4-5 hour trip. Then when we get home, fix dinner, take care of some house chores it is getting close to time for us to start getting ready for bed, which also takes time. All that to then be repeated the next day. Rest assured though we are not complaining, it is soooooo good to be home and being able to see progress each day. Ok, here are some general updates with Molly's progress over the last several weeks:
  • We have been back to U of M 2 times since our last post for follow up appointments. Each of these have went very well with the last one being this past Monday & Tuesday and Molly being completely released from their care with NO RESTRICTIONS. This means that her skin grafts have taken well and she can now be weight bearing on her legs, can begin wearing the special pressure garments on her stumps called "stump shrinkers" to begin shaping her legs to prepare them for her prosthetics.
  • During the time we were waiting for this news, we have found a prosthetist (the guy who will make, adjust and fit Molly's legs) right here in Greenville. He comes highly recommended and we both like him and feel very comfortable with him. this is so important as we will form a life-long relationship with Carl and will see him frequently as much as daily in the very beginning. so being close is a real blessing.
  • Hands! Hands are getting better by the day, but still have a ways to go for them to return to normal. Between the lack of oxygen, the compartment syndrome, crushed nerves, tendons, etc and the lack of use, the hands have really suffered quite a blow and will take lots more therapy to get them back. The good news is that all the surgeons, doctors, therapist that we have seen have all said that her hands should return to complete normal function.
  • Of course Molly is not back to work, but I am not either. Of course to many that know me can't see a difference! Anyway, the time is getting close for me to get back to work at least part time and begin working with clients again as well as looking for some speaking gigs. I am very excited as I told Molly I had been looking for some new speech material so thanks to her I definitely have new speech material. Of course she did not have to go to that extreme to help me out, but nonetheless, I have new material.

Since we are now back online and are fully prepared to keep this blog updated regularly, we have decided to not only keep posting updates on Molly's progress, but to also share some of the things we have observed, learned and gained from this experience including things that we once took for granted and things we now have a whole new perspective on. In addition we will continue to post specific things needing prayer, as we have seen so many answered prayers and how powerful prayer can be.


  • HANDS! Progress has been great, but a long ways to go yet to get back to full function with strength flexibility and sensation.
  • LEGS! Continued strength and flexibility so prosthetics can be fitted as soon as possible (hopefully within 2-4 weeks) Included with legs is skin integrity as being weight bearing on her knees, wearing the pressure garments, and the prosthetics themselves can cause skin tears and skin breakdown, all of which can delay progress.
  • SPIRITS! Right now our spirits are good, but we still have our days and moments and the road ahead is still long and keeping a positive mental attitude has and will continue to keep us going.
  • CLARITY! Molly and I still discuss and struggle with what exactly to do with this experience. While we both feel and believe very strongly that we are being called to do something to help others, we are not sure exactly what that is. Along with that is the financial aspect of doing something to help others by sharing our story but still holding down jobs to make a living and finding a balance between the two.

Again, please forgive us for taking so long to update you on Molly's progress. Here is our promise to you: "We promise to keep this blog updated regularly as much as daily, but never longer than one week!" We are open to ideas from you on what you would like to see in the blog. Please email them to us at

Please know that all your prayers and positive thoughts have gotten us through the last 3 months, and we know that they will continue to sustain us through the rest of this journey. Thank you all and God bless each of you for your constant prayers.


Jamey and Molly


Anonymous said...

MOlly and Jamey,
Thanks, Now people you need to respond.. All of you who have been after me to let Molly and Jamey get back on track. :-)
Love you guys it is so great having you home. I am really enjoy our visits we have and I am looking forward to more time..

Michelle and Family

Anonymous said...


This is Eithan and Zach talking. Eithan is spending the night here with Zach.
This is Eithan, I hope that we win on Weds. at our baseball game when you are there.
This is Zach, Aunt Molly I have enjoyed coming over and seeing you.I love you and the animals. Bravin is so much FUN!!!
Love ,
Zach and Eithan Coppess

Anonymous said...

Molly & Jamey,

Glad to hear of all your progress! We are still praying for you daily, and are believing God for blessings and miracles in your
lives!! I can't imagine how tough your daily life must be right now..
... Hang in there better days are
ahead!!! We all send you hugs and kisses!!!! Much Love,
The Bookers:
Holli, Tyeal, Jordan & Kennedy

Sandy said...

Molly & Jamey,
Ok ok ok we'll all forgive you BUT ONLY because you've given us such wonderful progress news!!! So proud of you. Glad you are both finding your 'new normal'. Continuing those prayers & only too happy to do so.

debby said...

Molly and Jamey,

We think about you every day, and are looking forward to planning our next visit. We are hoping to make our way to Greenville soon. You continue to have our prayers and healing thoughts! You guys are awesome, and we love you.

Debby, Adam, Jordan and Alec

Jane said...

Welcome back! I was worried, but Bud kept me in the loop so I knew you were "busy" not fallen off an edge....
OK, I am still waiting to be educated - What is a Maid-rite? I don't think we have them over here in the east.... xxjp

Toni Henninger said...

Hey guys,

Had a great visit! The kids can't wait to come backand run Bravin some more. Molly, I got yu some therapy with a Jamey flair to it. Will see if you guys are home some nite this week to drop it off. No, I am not bringing you a basket of laundry to fold!! See you later "dynamic duo" (Batman and Robin have been replaced)

Love, The Henningers