What a great weekend, i took 3 naps on Saturday, rented a movie and put it in at 8pm, saw the first 15 minutes of it, and woke up at 10pm with the movie still playing and went to bed and slept until 8am. I guess I was tired. Now that I am rested and back in Wolverine country, I felt I needed to give you all a quick update. This is going to be short and sweet, but you can expect a more substantial post tomorrow afternoon.
Molly also got a lot of much needed rest this weekend. As of today she is on "floor" satus which means that if it were not for the conscious sedation she needs for her dressing changes, she could be in a regular hospital bed. No pumps running, no need for the monitor, no machines, etc. She does still need dialysis 3 times per week, but her kidneys are showing signs of working.
Also, the Mombo rounds were today and her skin grafts look awesome! That is a direct quote from one of the surgeons. It will be at least another week and maybe two until they graft her stumps. But they look great also. As one doc put it tonight, we have definately hit a triple that could turn into a homer. ( I thought this analogy was appropriate for open day).
As I stated a minute ago, Molly could be moved if not for the wound care, but everyone loves her so much on the unit that unless the bed she is in is needed, they will more than likely let her stay. The nurses all fight over her, the docs stop in more often than they really need to and the therapists love coming to Molly's room. I'm sure it is to see me! Anyway, Molly continues to do great.
Dialysis today went very well, they "pulled off" a liter of fluid and she tolerated it great. She only started to get light-headed in the final hour. Before she would feel bad the entire time. This in and of itself is great progress. Hopefully with her kidneys starting to show signs of working, she will only need dialysis a few more times.
- Molly has her swallowing evaluation at 9am. Results will determine if she can start eating and drinking on her own. PRAY for a positive result that will allow her to start eating and drinking, this will raise her spirits as well as get the last tube out, her feeding tube.
More tomorrow after the swallowing study.
God Bless you all!
Jamey & Molly
Dear Jamey & Molly,
What a great report following a much needed restful weekend for you both. Awesome awesome news!! If you read this before the swallow evaluation, tell Molly for me to "Kick ***", you get the idea - I just know that she'll do super! Also I promised to send someone's good wishes to you both, Shirley Jay sends her best. I hear from her that she actually knows Jamey & has only met Molly - she taught Bravin in dog school. (I broke into It's a Small World After All). Take care. I'll be praying.
Praise God!!!! I am so glad to hear that your kidneys are starting to do their job again! It's also great to hear that you are no longer hooked up to all those crazy machines! Awesome, awesome, awesome! We are all praying for a good report from the swallow study. Keep smiling-we know you will!
Amy Byers
Speech Therapist-Woodland
Dear Jamey and Molly,
I am so happy to hear that Molly is almost off everything !! I just know the swallowing eval. will go fine. As I type this....Molly will probably be "eating" breakfast !! (GO MOLLY !) It's not hard to believe how much everyone on the staff loves to be around Molly...she is just so loveable !!! Keep up the great work, Molly !!
Maggie Copeland
Again! I am so proud of you!!!! You continue to amaze us every day. I am hoping next time Jamey comes home he can pick up some maid-rites to go for you!!!! I continue to pray for you and hope you feel the comfort of all of the prayers. I can't wait to see that beautiful smile of yours!
Sending you love and light,
Sheri (Bettinger) Bryant
It was good to see you today. My prayer for the two of you is that by the time I read your next update that you and Molly have enjoyed a Pepsi together. Praying too that the kidney function continues to improve.
Our best to you and continued fervent prayer as well.
The Cloyd's
Thats great news Jamey..I am glad you (and Molly) got some rest..well deserved! Give your mom and dad a hug for me the next time you see them. So ...dont keep us in suspense it is almost 5pm..is Molly eating you under the table yet??
Christy (Blair) Winans
Molly and Jamey,
You guys are amazing.. I sure hope you were able to eat something today. Mom wants to know HOW is that HOSPITAL FOOD??????
We used the pizza coupon tonight and I thought about you when I was eating it. I thought about when Karen and I was going to sneak you out for pizza the other day.. Soon Girl soon .. We will take you out on the town..
I am just so thankful for GOD's work in your lives and in your healing..PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!
WE love you ,
Michelle , Zach and Dan, Sonja
Hello, Molly,
Today is my birthday and family members always want to know what I want. Well, when you are my age (old!), there's not much I really need or don't get if I want it. So I thought that a great present would be to hear that you passed the swallowing evaluation. That would be a wonderful gift to so mnay of us. I will be waiting to hear! With or without that news, I still am delighted to know that everything is progressing in the right direction. You know that everything in the world of education is based on THE TEST. You and Jamey have been given one HUGE test and you both are passing with flying colors. We continue to pray that the progress continues.
Debbie Brandt
emtwwcDear Molly,
Pat called me on Sunday to ask when we are coming to see you again. We are working on it. All I could say as I read Jamey's Monday Night Blog was "Praise the Lord!!" You are making such wonderful progress. I can understand why the staff at the hospital loves you so. You have turned into quite a celebrity!! You go girl!!! I am praying for success on the swallowing test.
Love you,
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