Saturday, March 15, 2008

Saturday After Surgery

Molly got out of surgery and is doing very well. Her vital's are looking great, strong blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen levels, etc. She should bounce back from this surgery much quicker than she did from thursday's surgery. We were able to go back to her room for a few minutes to see her, she was out but did respond some to our voices and opened her eyes just a little. Regarding her legs. We are still in a wait and see mode, they did have to remove more of the muscle in her legs at it was dead, but did find that some of the muscle is alive and healthy. On Monday Ortho, plastic surgery, and burn surgery will evaluate her to determine how she can best be served for the long-term. If continued debreedments are needed it is a good chance that she will loose much of her lower leg functions which may lead her being better served with an amputation, however we will not know for a while yet. The good news is that there is viable muscle in her legs, her feet are healthy and it the muscle needed removed is all below her knee. Keep praying for her overall health (liver, kidneys, lungs etc.) but specifically keep praying hard for the health of her legs to keep the oxygen filled blood flowing to every cell in her legs, feet and toes. This will be her best chance of being able to keep her legs. Thanks for all your support, prayers, and thoughts. We feel them all! God Bless each and everyone of you!


Anonymous said...

You are so beautiful. We are so lucky to have you in our lives.. I am so glad I have a great friend like you.
I am glad that I got to see and talk to you. It was so awesome to see you open your eyes. You just keep on fighting so that you can open them all the way and keep them open.
We will keep the prayers coming..
Remember God is good all the time all the time God...

Sandy said...

So encouraging that she's doing as well after this surgery as she is. You have to be 'over the moon' that this time she seems to be responding so well. We'll all continue to pray and you keep doing whatever you're doing to keep her spirits up and her headed in the right direction to a complete recovery.
She's so lucky to have you.
You go girl!! I know you can do this.
God Bless you both,

Barbara Marker said...

What awesome news!

Thanks for keeping us posted.

Unknown said...

Jamey & Molly~

We are continuing to lift both of you up in prayer throughout the day (and night as I get up to nurse Erin). We are grateful for the progress and good news we hear and will continue to pray for those specific prayer needs in the days to come.

Jamey, thank you so much for your devotion to Molly and taking the time to keep us all connected and informed through this blog. Hope you are feeling better and are getting some rest.

Molly, many "virtual" hugs are being given to you ... looking forward to when we can share them in person!

I wanted to share this passage that I was reading today. We love you!!

Debra (and Doran, Eli & Erin)

1 Peter 1:6-9
(6)In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. (7)These have come so that your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. (8)Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, (9)for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls.

Tammy Smith said...

Give Molly a big hug from the kids and I and tell her that we love her. I have been really praying for her legs and feet and hands. I told Nina the other night that I have a peace about them. We hope that we can visit soon.
Love and prayers,

Anonymous said...

Thank God for all the progress!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news that Molly (AKA Wonder Woman) is on a continuous path leading upward! We will continue praying for full healing of her legs.

Thanks for keeping us up to date despite how exhausted you must be. I will pray that Super Man is getting some rest too.

Best wishes,

Bonnie & Steve