Saturday, March 29, 2008

Saturday Morning

Good Morning from Ohio, I came home last evening to take care of some things here in the Buckeye State. While the Wolverines are great, it feels good to be back home, I can't wait until Molly is able to make the same journey with me. Remember to share the other blog site with others (or for new blog visitors) to have a better understanding about Molly's illness, etc. at Also, feel free to email personal comments to Anyway, yesterday was a little on the rough side. The surgery from Thursday had caught up with her and she was very tired. They also did regular dialysis on her and had some trouble with the IV line so they had to stop and "readjust" the line. This along with her being so tired and wore out and the dressing changes and putting in a new IV line in her right arm and so on and so on it was a hard day on her. Although the doctors told her and I that even though she did not feel good and seen it as a "bad" day, she had another GREAT day medically. She tolerated the dialysis fabulously, the dressing changes went great and overall continues to heal and get stronger. Also, her friend Debby was able to spend a couple of days in Ann Arbor and this really lifted her spirits. It was good for me to, Debby is such a good and special friend to both of us. Thanks Debby! Not a lot to report on other than that regarding her progress. Molly continues to get all her normal care: constant blood work, monitoring, dressing changes, changing IV lines (this is done to help fight infections as IV ports can over time become a source for infections that do not respond to the anitbiotics, so it is a precautionary step to stay ahead of possible infection sites). They will probably look at removing several of the lines and IV's in the nest day or two and put in a PIC line in her arm, a peripherally inserted central catheter- (PICC or PIC line) is a form of intravenous access that can be used for a prolonged period of time. This is a little bit of a procedure, but can be done at the bedside. So the hope is that they will be able to get that done soon and remove the rest of the lines other than the line used for the dialysis. AND, if her kidneys start working again, even that line will be able to come out. The staff caring for continues to amaze me. What a special bunch of people. After the "hard" day Molly had yesterday, in the evening Doctor Seybold, "Jeff" said, lets leave her alone tonight, pur her on "step down" status which means that they still monitor her just like before, but because she is doind well, they do not have to check her blood as often. He said, that way she can try to get some much needed rest this evening without us bothering as often. After they gave her her pain meds at 10pm last night she drifted off to sleep and I left around 11:30pm to come home. I got home around 2:30am and it felt great to sleep in our own bed, even if I only got enough of it for "one cheek" as the dog and cat used the rest. I had not realized how much I missed them, even the cat, Molly wont believe that! I plan to stay home unit tomorrow evening or even Monday morning. Mom and Dad left early this morning to spend the day and some of tomorrow with Molly. Molly was looking forward to seeing them. Keep them in your prayers for safe travels, and for Michelle and Karen as they are also going to see Molly later today. Overall, Molly continnues to do well, her spirits are still high, although I can tell she is starting to get "bored" and is sick and tired of being sick and tired, but her amazing strength keeps her going and is good for me to keep me going to. This and the countless prayers, thoughts, cards, comments on the blog and the emails keep us going too. Just so everyone knows, please keep the comments coming, but I still have not been able to show Molly the blog and comments as of yet, but I tell her how many comments come in, and give her a synopsis of them. She will be blown away when she is able to sit down and read them for herself. SPECIFIC PRAYER AREAS
  • Continued overall healing and strength
  • Kidney function to return (soon)
  • Her spirits to remain high
  • Returned function of her hands, especially her right hand so she can start to do some "normal" things for herself
  • Swallowing evaluation on Tuesday, so she will be allowed to start eating and drinking, hopefully anything she wants. This will be good for her strenght as well as her spirits
  • Pain control
  • Her voice to return soon, again this is very frustrating for her and being heard will be a huge spirit lifter for her.
  • Wound care, as the care team is faced with caring for three different types of wounds with three different approaches and specific care
  • Travel safety for Mom & Dad, Michelle and Karen, Me, and all freinds and family as they travel to visit Molly
  • Troy, I heard last night that he has kidney stones and is in a great deal of pain. Also, his car he uses for work "conked out" on him, so they need to replace it.
  • The many trauma and burn patients that do not have the loving support and countless prayers Molly has to get them through their difficult times.
  • The nurses, doctors, technicians, and everyone else a part of Molly's "care team". They area a special group of people, and seeing the types of trauma they see everyday can definately wear on a person, so praying for their well being and rejuvination on their days off.

God Bless you all. EAch and everyone of you who we know and those we do not know personally, will never know and understand how much your prayers and thought mean to Molly and I. We talk about it a lot, and without all of you praying for God's healing, we are not sure we would be able to make it through all this, yet we also know that we and especially Molly is going to be fine and stronger for the experience.

Pray Hard Daily and know that each of you are in Molly's and I's prayers daily as well.


Jamey & Molly


Unknown said...

_\m/ Rosie

Sandy said...

Bet Ohio really looks good to you! Bravin & Rascal must be so excited to see you. It will feel good to try and accomplish something at least semi-normal for the next day or two. Enjoy!!!
Glad Molly got some much needed rest after her BIG day. We are all so thankful for the progress she's made thus far and know that she'll continue to astound everyone with God's help.

Fran said...

Each day we hear news that you are progressing is such a blessing. You continue to amaze me.
Chico says you are an "Inspiration". He is right on!!
You are letting God lead you through this and that is the key.
God bless you dear Miss Molly.

Anonymous said...

Dave, Denise, and Suter Family continue to hold you both in our "DAILY" prayers. Jamie you are a fine penman @ blogspot and we are regular viewers.

bilmn5 said...

We're glad you get a minute to see home Jamey. It sounds like Molly is doing better everyday. We'll pray that her voice, swallow, and kidneys all start working soon. We love you guys! PS The ice is finally off the lake! Perry's soooo happy =) Love, The Billmans

Anonymous said...

You will never know how great it was to get to see you again. Like I said you looked great.. Seeing you smile and even laughing a little.. It was a wonderful time I will not forget that is for sure.. Also just so you know I would do anything for you..
It was nice to get to visit Nina and Steve also.
I will do my best to keep things going and can't wait till you get to come home. At the rate you are going it will not be to much longer.
I just pray you get that voice back in Jesus name.. I also pray for all those hurting in the HOSPITAL.. When we were leaving we seen a little boy in a wagon who was ill and might have had burns.. So, I know what you were talking about.WHEN YOU SAY PRAY!!!!!!!!

Love you so, MUCH!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Molly, We are thrilled to hear of your progress! You are an amazing person!!!!!! My kids and I pray together for you daily. We look forward to it! Kennedy, my 4 year old will say it's time to pray for Mrs. French about 7 to 10 times a day. she prays the sweetest prayers for you...Tyeal and Jordan say the Lord must be telling her, your going through something at that very moment...And how special it is to be able to talk to God on your behalf! Tyeal and Jordan are off spring break next week and are concerned about being at school, I told them just to say a silent prayer when you are on their hearts! We just want you to know that you are loved!!!!!! Also that you are permanently on our prayer list. We love you !!!! We also pray for your Dr.s, Jamey, your Dad, Jamey's Parents& Family and Friends...and ALL Travelers back and forth to see you! YOU ARE A MIRACLE!!!!!!!GOD BLESS YOU!!!!! IN HIS LOVE!!!!! THE BOOKERS: HOLLI, TYEAL, JORDAN & KENNEDY

Anonymous said...

Jamey and Molly,
Put Molly on our prayer list at St. Paul's Lutheran Church last week. Our prayers are for all of you. Glad to see you got to come home for a while. Much needed I'm sure.
Glad to see Molly got through her day Friday and she continues to progress.
Thank you so much for the constant info on her progress.
God bless you all, and speedy recovery for Molly.

Anonymous said...

Dear Molly,

Sorry that we have not added our comments for a few days. You have certainly been in our thoughts and prayers. I am so glad that Debby was able to come and visit. You have always been such a blessing for her and I know how important the friendship is for both of you. We are so proud of you for your strength and positive attitude; you inspire and awe us every time we read the blog. We wish you continued healing and hope that you will be eating lots of ice cream soon!!!

with love,
Ardyth, Ken, Daniel and Joshua Sokoler

Anonymous said...

Jamey and Molly,

Even thought we have not left a comment in awhile, please know that we are carefully checking on the amazing feats of Wonder Woman and Superman everyday. And we are keeping your prayer requests in our hearts.

We know you will get through this to a place of deep healing, but it is a one day at a time process. I think Jamey described it to me before as "baby steps" when I felt like I wasn't moving towards my goals fast enough.

But you ARE moving towards healing every minute! And those baby steps add up to giant leaps over time.

Many blessings to the Dynamic Duo,

Bonnie & Steve

Anonymous said...

Molly and Jamey,
We are regular viewers of Molly's blog. You both continue to be a priority in our thoughts, conversation, and prayer life. We want to encourage you to continue the courage, endurance, and strength you have displayed. Your inspiration continues to be felt daily.
Jeff and Terri

Toni Henninger said...

Dear jamey and MOlly,

We are so blessed to hear of the progress! Had prayer for you both again at churc this morning. Couldn't forget because the twins and Rachel constantly remind me! We are in awe of your positive outlook and constant praising of the Lord for the work He is doing! You continue to be such inspirations!

The Henningers, Brad, Toni, Rachel, Liam and Zach

Dennis & Margie Null said...

Molly and Jamey -
we continue to pray and think positively for you and we know that countless other people are too. One day at a time is a good motto right now, taking it slow and getting the care and rest you both need. We look forward to seeing you both and please know that we love you.
Dennis, Margie & Aunt Phyllis

Anonymous said...