- Continued overall healing (lungs, kidneys, liver, skin)
- Mental health
- Right hand for reduced swelling and returned full function
- Voice and swallowing
- Stump healing
- Raymond, Molly's dad for peace
- Safe travel for friends and family
- 23 year old patient in same unit with Molly. He fell 2 months ago and hit his head, thought it was just a bump and went on about his day. Next day did not wake up. He is improving to the point he is not appropriate for the TBC unit anymore, but not ready for the acute rehab. Dilema for his family is to try the acute rehab or put him in a nursing home until he is ready. Pray for them and their peace of mind to make the right decision on his behalf.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Tuesday Noon
I know, I know, I can hear all the grumbling out there; "When's Jamey going to update Molly's blog?" All I can say is 'Sorry', but you all know patience is a virtue, :>)
Before I start Molly wanted to tell all of you directly from her:
"Thank you for all your prayers, cards and thoughts. I love you all!"
Here is the update!
Molly continues to do great! Easter Sunday she did sleep a quite a bit, but is completely understandable due to the very little sleep she had the two days prior. Even though, she still was in good spirits and continued to show signs of improvement and had very few pain issues. I also got a good amount of sleep on Sunday. Mom & Dad left with Molly's Dad around 2pm after the gave her some meds to help her sleep to prepare her for her dressing changes. I took that opportunity to head to the hotel and go about a 31/2 hour nap. Went back to the hospital and spent a few hours and went back to the hotel and was asleep around 10:30pm. Got up early to be at the hospital for the MOMBO rounds on Monday morning.
The weekend as a whole was good for Molly, her Dad, my parents and me, as she showed us all how strong and positive she is.
Monday, the MOMBO rounds went well. They are very pleased with her overall progress and with the results of her amputation surgery. Her stumps look good and should be able to take the pressure-vac dressings off in the next few days and dress them just normally. The pressure-vac dreesings are spnges that wrap around the end of her stumps and are covered with what resembles seran wrap. This is then hooked up to tubes that are connected to pumps to create a suction to keep the tissue on the stumps tight and to pull off any fluids. While these are not overly painful, they are quite annoying and uncomfortable to her.
She should be coming off the continuous dialysis in the next day to two. They have been able to increase the volume of fluids they have been removing with the CVVH for nearly two days now and she has tolerated it very well. Once removed they will go back to the regular hemo-dialysis. This is good as it will continue to encourage her kidneys to start working again.
Her eyes are starting to clear up and are less blurry, so it is probably due to some swelling, but they will continue to keep an eye (no pun intended) on her eyes.
The doctors and nurses are just amazed and extremely excited about how fast she is progressing and have very little if any set backs in her recovery. Usually with these types of cases, there are 2-3 steps forward and then 1-2 steps back. We have had very little of this.
Yesterday, Molly's teaching freinds from Piqua spent the day with her, this was good for Molly to see freinds and visit, and good for me as I was able to get away for several hours and just do nothing. I sat in a Friday's, had lunch and watched ESPN for over an hour. I also just drove around and ended up several miles south of Ann Arbor, was nice to just listen to the radio and have no agenda. Thanks to Teresa, Pat and Fran for giving Molly & I this much needed time.
This week should be pretty calm, as no specific procedures are planned. Just continuing to provide general care and let her body start healing itself. Next week will proably be a big week as she will more than likely get the skin graphs, remove her finger and thumb on her left hand and start some more rigorous therapy for her upper body and arms.
Couple of concerns, her voice is still not back and Olarnygology (Head, Ears and Throat) looked at her throat with a scope and found that one of her vocal cords is a little damaged probably from the ventilator tube and one is just not working. These will probably start working and heal on their own, but may require a procedure later on as well. This continues to frustrate her so pray for quick healing of her voice. This also raises another concern in that until they are sure that the troubles with her vocal cords will not cause a choking issues they have quick letting her have any liquids or ice chips period, which also means that she cannot have ice cream, sherbert or popsicles either. These were the one things she would look forwar to each day. So pray also that even if her voice doesn't come back immediately, they will determine that is will not create a choking hazard and she continue to have liquids and icecream, etc.
On another note, several of you have asked about setting up a fund or an account for Molly & I as well as doind some sort of fundraiser. For right now, please do not move forward with any plans or please pause any plans already in motion. Molly and I have talked a little about this and are ok with it, however, we want to make sure that we are doing it for the right reasons and that all efforts are coordinated into one effort instead of many smaller efforts. Also, Molly and I see this as an opportunity to help educate others about sepsis, ampuations, seriousness of strep throat, etc. Also, if done right, the money raised could be used to set up a fund or foundation to help others not just Molly and I. Because of her and I seeing a much bigger effort and picture for all of this, we do not want to jump into anything to quickly. So, for right now we want to think, share and pray about what is the right thing to do and how to do it. However, input and offers to help will be greatly appreciated now and in the future. If you have ideas etc, please send them to
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Jamey and Molly,So glad to hear everything is going so well. We will continue to keep you all in our thoughts and prayers. Please let us know if there is anything we could ever do, we will be right on it. Keep up the AWESOME JOB you two. Love Chris,Tammy,Chelsea,Morgan and Lilly Kendall
Know that I love you as one of my own children. We are all praying and hoping for the best. You are both in those prayers.
I'm glad things are looking up for the two of you! Molly you are doing awesome! I'm sure all of the years at Nicklin enduring the Thanksgiving Feast and double bubble day were good training. It allowed you to handle ANYTHING! Ha!Seriously, Your progress is amazing! We continue to pray for you and like many others, if there is ANYTHING I can do please ask!
Hang in there!
I just wanted to send my best wishes and prayers to Molly and Jamey. This is a testament to the 5 degrees of seperation theory. I first heard of Molly last Saturday from my Sister-in-law. She was telling us the story about her son (my nephew) Ethan's teacher. Then today at my second Toastmaster's meeting I was hearing a story that was sounding very similar. Then I realized they were the same person. It is amazing the connections we all have in our day to day lives but are never aware until something of this magnitude takes place. Jamey you are missed but we are carrying on with our training to become toastmasters.
See you soon! Tim (LJB)
Hi Molly,
This is Angie, you taught mandy and I how to make the friendship bracelets over at the rec when we were kids. I just saw you a month ago while doing school pictures at woodland. I am shocked... You and your family are in my prayers and continue to be strong.
Molly and Jamey,
I am so thankful that there is good progress being made. Molly you are such a trooper. I am very proud of your strength and faith. My Family and Friends pray for you everyday. I just wish I could be there in person to give both of you a huge hug. I am sure along with everyone else I just feel helpless. I want to do something to make things better for you two. Please let me know if there is ANYTHING I can do to help!!!!
Sending you Love and Light,
Sheri (Bettinger) Bryant
Dear Molly & Jamey,
Sounds like things are going so well. I bet you are "wowing" your caregivers with your progress. Way to go!
Jamey, Ok if the truth were told, I personally may have grumbled just a bit but only out of worry. You have done such a fantastic job of keeping all of us close that perhaps we are now a tad spoiled on the daily updates. I'm sure that I speak for many others when I say - we are just glad that you got some much needed rest and relaxation! And the news was good enough to certainly be worth the wait. Both of you continue to take good care.
Jamey and Molly,
Sounds like you both had very nice days yesterday. I am glad your friends from Piqua were there to see you. I am glad that you are able to have a resting week with not a lot going on. I hope that this will build your strength and get those kidney's to start working again.
Jamey it is great that you got to watch some Espn. You need a little time for yourself to regroup and be there for Molly.
I think you are making wise choices and I don't blame you for wanting to pray. I am sure all the out poring of people wanting to do stuff for you guys is over whelming. The best place for all the answers we need are through prayers.
The animals are doing great. I wanted to get a picture how them and Zach were asleep it was so cute. Zach was playing ball out in the yard and Braven was our out fielder. She would go get the ball for him it was cute. We have been making sure all the little things were picked up so we didn't have to go looking for them from Rascal. His name is fitting..
Hey, let Molly know that mom and dad were asked Tutor 6 kids in the 2nd grade an extra day aweek..
Dad and Zach also miss their HUGS..
Hugs and Love to all,
Michelle, Zach, Dan and Sonja
Hi Molly
Your Amigos met last night and prayed for you and thought of you a lot. It wasn't the same without you. We can't wait until you join us again. We Miss You!!!
Nancy, Deb, Annabelle, Linda and Jody xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Hi Molly! Thinking of you and praying for you daily-actually I should say many times daily. I recalled today how I gave you the part in our social skills skit as the "Please" and "Thank You" Angel. You always played the Angel part so well for so many years...You are our real Angel Molly! I did a great job casting that part. Love you, Mary-Jo
Molly & Jamey,
Teresa, Pat and I were so happy to have the chance to spend so much time with you two during our visit.
We were amazed at how beautiful you looked Molly. Being able to give you hugs and tell you how much we love you was probably more therapeutic for us than it was for you!!!We have worried about you so much and just being able to see you laugh and roll your eyes was like opening a much wanted Christmas present on Christmas morning. In the meantime, know that you are in our hearts daily as we continue to pray for you and Jamey.
Hello and thanks for the updates - we anxiously await them each day. Continued prayers and love to you both and extended families...as always you both encourage us to look beyond our own issues and find positives in our hardships. Even though you both have just been through the most difficult time, you have others facing challenges in your thoughts and concerns, you are both a continued source of inspiration and compassion. We love you and can't wait to spend time with you.
Dennis, Margie and Aunt Phyllis
Molly and Jamie,
Just continue to know that you are being prayed for multiple time per day by our family and we are one of many.
May God become real to you in ways that He never has before as a result of this trauma.
Jamie, get some rest. Molly, continue to be strong in the Lord and the power of His might.
Gary Cloyd
Sorry I misspelled your name - my brain wasn't engaged!
Take Care,
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