Sunday, April 6, 2008


Molly is in a new room as of 6pm last night. Her new room is still in the Trauma Burn Center but no longer in the ICU. She will still have the same doctors and nurses, just wont be "bugged" as much. In fact the only reason she is to remain in the TBC is that the surgeon(s) only want the wound team in the TBC to treat Molly's legs, thus she will remain in TBC. Her new room is a private room with a pretty good view and should be a lot quieter and easier for her to rest. I ran into her trauma surgeon as he was leaving the other day and he stopped me to tell me that he was very pleased with Molly's progress and that he told the staff in the unit "let her rest" this coming week. So, outside of her dialysis she should have a lot of rest next week. Speaking of dialysis, she had dialysis yesterday. It went well, she actually went to the dialysis unit and 4 hours later she ws done, with no dizziness or lightheadedness. She was very tired afterwards as usual but did not have all the nasty side effects. Now the really good news, later in the evening after dialysis she had her "daily" catherization and had over 4oo cc's. This is about 1/2 the volume a healthy person produces. This is further evidence that her kidneys are waking up, so hopefully she will only need dialysis for a few more weeks. The biggest things we need to concentrate this coming week will be continued therapy on her hands and upper body and continued wound care, getting her out of bed and outside regularly, and eating more. All of this will go a long way in helping her when she gets skin grafts on her stumps and when she enters rehab. Her voice was a little stronger today, still a ways to go, but getting better. Troy stopped by to see her today and told her he was happy about the her voice and that it must have been frustrating for her not able to talk for the past several weeks. Molly said "YES", then i said, now that she has her voice back it is only going to be frustrating for me. She just rolled her eyes, again! Last night her nurse who had Molly a couple of weeks ago when she first got to TBC said how great she is doing and how great she looks. She also said that they are all amazed at how quickly Molly is progressing, and that it would normally have taken someone months to get to the point that Molly is at now. SPECIFIC THINGS TO PRAY FOR
  • Kidneys to continue to "wake up" so we can discontinue dialysis all together
  • Finger, hand and arm to strengthen and return of the "fine motor" skills
  • Continue to eat more to compensate for the calories she gets with the tube feeding so she can get the tube removed.
  • Voice to continue to get stronger.

God Bless you all!


Jamey & Molly


bilmn5 said...

Oh Molly, you really sound like you are coming along. Keep up the good work! It must be great to hear a little of your voice again. I bet you can't believe how good hospital food tastes. =) We love ya, keep working hard! The Billmans

Sandy said...

WOW!!!! A room with a view - you go Molly! What a step up in the world to go with the marvelous progress that you're making on a daily basis. So proud of you!

Fran said...

So glad to hear that more progress is being made. It is great to know that your voice is coming back. I can't wait until I can see and talk with you again. Miss you and think of you every day. Spring is starting to show so I am glad you have a room with a view and are able to go out. The daffodils at Nicklin are starting to grow. My kids got to find out what a Crocus is when we found one growing in front of Nicklin. The Earth is waking up and so is your body, Molly. It is glorious!!
God bless you.
Love you,

kcoppess said...

I'm so glad to hear of all of the good news. I've been praying hard that your kidney function would return. I am so thankful to hear that is! Just think how much progress you'll make without having to lose days doing the dialysis.

We continue to pray for you and think of you every day!


Krista and Ethan Coppess (and family)

Anonymous said...

Molly and Jamey--You both continue to amaze us as to your faith and strength! What an inspiration you are to so many people all over the world, Molly. Spring truly is upon us and that is also a sign of the growth and change for you as you move along on your recovery journey. We think about you and all share the great news of Jamey's blogs continually. Thanks you for keeping us posted.


Anonymous said...

Dear Aunt Molly and Jamey,

I gave Rascal and Braven big hugs and kisses from you. Mommy and I took Braven for a walk when we got home. They were happy to see us. We just know that when you come back home they are going to love all over you also..
It was really really really fun getting to see you again!!!!!!!
You looked great.
I love you so, so, so, so, so , MUCH!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It was awesome getting to see you again. I could make that trip every weekend just to get to spend time with you. I wish we could have spent more time with you but I know other people make the long journey to see you and we have to share our time. Rather it is 5 min. , 1/2 hr 1 hr or 2 hrs. It is worth the drive to see your sweet smiling face.
I am so grateful to the good Lord that your voice is coming back. I could hear you so much better then a week ago PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!..
Your babies are doing great. It was fun going for a walk with BRAVEN she is such a good walker..
Mom told me to tell you "YOU LOOK GREAT AND SHE LOVED SEEING YOU".
We are praying each and everyday for you that your voice comes back all the way and those Kidneys WAKE UP in the NAME of JESUS...

Michelle and Sonja

Maggie C. said...

Dear Molly and Jamey,
What great news !! Hopefully it will be as beautiful in Michigan as it will be in Ohio this week, and you will continue to enjoy the outdoors. If you need some help with fine motor control, I could send a set of "cupstacks" to you !!
(hee hee hee)(even the mini ones!) Jamey, hope you are continueing to get the rest you need now that Molly is on her way to recovery !!
We are so proud of you both!! Keep up the smiles and the great stamina !! (G-O- KIDNEYS!!)
Prayers as always,
Maggie Copeland

Anonymous said...

Molly&Jamey, We just wanted to say hello!!! And remind you both that you are loved very much!!!!!!!!!! I thank the Lord for you both, and am excited about all the lives that he has called you both to touch in a giant way!!!!I am praising God for your healing, and for astounding victories that are ahead of you!!! Even though you may not be able to imagine it....the best is yet to come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If God be for you who can be against you!!!!!!!! HAVE A SUPER SPECTACULAR DAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE BOOKERS: HOLLI TYEAL JORDAN &KENNEDY