Visitors, visitors and more visitors was the theme for yesterday. It was great, Molly and I enjoyed seeing familiar faces other than each other's. Tammy & Cindy from school came in the early afternoon, then Peg, Keith, Jen and Aaron came in the late afternoon/early evening. It was great to see them all. We also had a few surprise visitors yesterday. Ward from Toastmasters stopped on his way to visit family in Flint. Then friends of a friend's parents who happen to live in Ann Arbor, who we have never met, stopped in just to say 'hi' dropped off some candy and offered help with anything since they are so close by. After everyone had left, Molly and I were tired, but also made us feel so good to know we have such good friends, family and even friends of friends to "just be there for us!" It is an awesome feeling, thank you all!
Yesterday also brought another trip outside, occupational therapy, eating, very little medicine, getting into the wheelchair with no assistance, you know, same
ol', same
ol'! It is so great that these types of things are become the norm and not the exception.
Today marks the last day in the Trauma Burn Center, and it is unbelievable the amount of nurses, therapists, doctors, techs, etc. that have stopped by to say goodbye already because they know they will off for the next day or so and want to say goodbye before we leave. Some of them never even had Molly, but just know her/us from the unit. They almost all say the same thing, "We are kinda sad to see you go, but glad and happy to see you go." Our response has been "Don't take this the wrong way, but we don't want to see you anymore either." We have become so attached to many of the nurses and doc's, it will sad to not see them anymore, they are truly a very special group of folks who have an incredibly difficult and sometime unpleasant job. We thank God for each and everyone of them.
Molly and I have been discussing short, intermediate, and long term goals for her rehab and us in general. We are excited and looking forward to rehab and what life is going to bring us, yet nervous and anxious at the same time. The more we talk about it, the more clear we are that we can help a lot of people on many different levels by sharing our story. It all seems overwhelming at times, but exciting as well. We see so many possibilities with a book or even books, opportunities to speak about prayer, trauma, amputees, team building, how to get involved with your loved ones health care, how to talk to doctors, and for all my Toastmasters friends out there, I have truly seen and experienced what Toastmasters is all about. Not to make this a commercial, but anyone wanting to know more about
Toastmasters go to or feel free to email me at
Molly and I have a lot of work to do, not just in rehab, but in getting back to normal and preparing our message for so many. It is amazing how God prepares us for things without us even knowing it at the time. But when we stop and think about all the things that have happened in the last few weeks and what our new definition of 'normal' is going to be, and how the many things that her and I have done in our lives as well as the lives of so many that have played a huge role in saving Molly's life and aiding in her recovery and now rehab is truly beyond
I love this next part so much as Molly and
I believe this has played a huge role in her recovering so quickly!
- STRENGTH (Physical and Mental)!!!
- All the nurses, doctors, therapists, techs, etc. in the Trauma Burn Center and the SICU that played a huge role in Molly's recover
- All of our friends and family and all of our new friends for their support, prayers, visits, comments, cards, gifts, etc. You all are truly special to us.
God Bless You All!!!
Next Blog will be from 6A (our new home for the next few week) Rehab. We are sure that if they are a half as good as the rest of this amazing facility that they will be a cut above anyone else out there!
Molly & Jamey
Molly & Jamey,
We were happy to hear that you got to visit with your family and friends. It is obvious that you are loved my so many people. You have definitley touched our hearts.
Congratulations on your move to the rehab unit, it sounds like you will be home soon.
Jeff and Terri
Hey Molly,
Outstanding News! Sounds like you are getting better and will be in Buckeye Country soon. We miss you.
Deb G.
Hi Molly,
The news I have been waiting to hear!! You are moving to rehab. Yes, those folks will fall in love with you, just like the folks in the burn unit did. You continue to be in my heart and in my prayers as you and Jamey enter into this next phase of your journey back home.
Love and prayers,
Molly and Jamey
Looks like the light at the end is looking even brighter. Sounds like things are going really well. I am sure that Molly will do great. It is awesome to hear the things that you are have learned Jamey.
I think you would make the right move in writing a book. I know that you story has already moved and changed lives.
You are a true BLESSING TO US ALL..
Love ya ,
Molly & Jamey,
Sounds like you had a great weekend, I'm so glad. Now you head off to 6A and the next set of challenges. With your determined hard work, you'll sail through with flying colors and find yourselves one step closer to the new normal and to home. We all have faith in you.
Great Great Great news!!!! I am so happy that you will be home soon.
My little ones both have strep right now. Jade got hit hard Saturday. Of course, her throat didn't hurt at first so we thought it was an ear infection. Her temp. was so high yesterday. It is so scary just thinking about you and this sickness. I took her to the Doctor today and I was going to tell them to do a throat culture even if he told me it wasn't strep; however, he agreed it was and Jade was so sick and too scared to get tested but he is treating her for it just the same. Then late today, Duder is vomiting and headache and all that!!!
Can't wait to see how your day went today!!!!
Thinking and praying for you everyday!!!
Jodi Besecker
Molly and Jamie,
Back in town after a week away. Glad things are going well - we will continue to pray.
The Cloyd's
I messed up your spelling again! Sorry, long day. Continue to do well and give God the glory.
Hi Dynamic Duo,
It appears you are preparing for your new "normal" and a new mission. I can relate to what you said about life seeming to prepare you for your next phase. I cannot imagine doing anything other that what I am doing, and it is my pain and crummy times that ultimately brought me to this point.
God will bring good from all bad experiences. But also heed God's timing, to heal and just feel sad and angry sometimes if that is where you find yourself. God is in this space too.
Many blessings,
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