Well, yesterday was just as expected, crummy. I am not sure which is worse, having a bad day unexpectedly, or knowing in advance that you will have a bad day. Yesterday was the latter, as we knew Molly would have dialysis early in the morning and then go to the operating room afterwards. It worked out well in that she did go directly from the dialysis unit to pre-op. However she left her room at 6:45 am and did not get back to bed until 3:45pm. It was a loooong day for her and saying she was exhausted would be an understatement.
On the bright side, dialysis did wear her out, but she is tolerating it better and did not get dizzy and get to feeling bad while it was going on. Of course having to get up that early would be enough to make you feel bad regardless. Then, she went to the OR and that went well also. The surgeon told me that he was very pleased with what he saw on her stumps and used what he called a giant water pic to get the old "scabby" stuff off. It also is a way to "shape" her stumps so they will better able to be fitted for the prosthetics. He indicated that their is a chance that they could do the skin grafts on her stumps this Friday, if not, then next week. He also said the rest of her legs, the grafts, donor sights, etc. look great. Onward and upward.
Eating seems to be going ok at this point, but she definatley needs to eat more. The bad part is that they keep telling her "eat so you can get that tube out, but do not eat right now because you have 'this or that' procedure coming up." This gets frustrating for her, but the good news is that her calorie counts do keep coming up when they let her eat, so hopefully the tube will be out soon. Possibly sooner than expected as it got clogged last night and her nursee was using all kinds of tricks of the trade to get it unclogged, like using hot coffee, lots of constant pressure, even Coke. If these tricks do not work they will have to take the tube out. I have requested the doctors come in and talk to us before they put a new one in. Hopefully, if they have to take it out, we can keep it out for a few days to see how she does. My guess is that if she knows she has to eat or thetube goes back in, also, if not being fed she will feel hungry, and not having a tube down your throat would make eating more enjoyable, that she will be able to eat enough to keep it out. So, I am not sure if we should pray to get the tube uncloggged, or for it to stay clogged and have them take it out and see how she does without it.
The biggest thing to pray for right now as I see it with my "vast medical knowledge" is for her kidneys. I see each time she goes to dialysis she looses a little ground to feeling bad. It effects her eating, her strength, her therapy, her overall spirits, even her next day does not always go that well as she is still zapped of strength. So, I believe that if she could get off the dialysis completely she would make even more amazing progress. Besides, being a man and I want to be able to "fix" stuff, I feel helpless because she feels so bad that there is nothing for me to "fix" so I have to just let her "feel bad." I think all the other stuff will fall into line much quicker if she could get off dialysis.
We have lots of visitors planned to come see Molly today, and later this week and over the weekend. She is looking forward to seeing everyone and I know this will help to keep her spirits high. There is no doubt in my mind that her positive attitude and spirit is playing a big part in her quick progress. Even on the bad days, we talk a lot about the good day we will have the next day, and how close we are to rehab and getting back to Ohio. This always helps to make the bad days a little more tolerable.
We continue to be amazed at the number of cards, emails, voice mails, blog comments, etc. that you all send our way. That along with the continued prayers and positive thoughts help more than you could ever imagine. The gifts, gas cards, gift cards, $$, etc. overwhelm us at times, and we are truly grateful. It is because of all these things that we know God directing each of you to do, say, or send the right thing at the right time to help us. It is also because of all this that we know more certain each day that God has something really big planned for Molly & I, and whatever it ultimatley is, each of you have a big part in it.
- Kidneys, kidneys, kidneys (oops, she only has two) The sooner they start working normally, the sooner she can get off dialysis, and the quicker the rest of her recovery/rehab will be.
- Continued healing of her legs so they can be grafted and get her to acute rehab
- Fingers, hands and arms. Strength and functionality so she can continue to refine her motor skills to do the normal things we all take for granted
- Voice, continues to get stronger, but not there yet, and everyday "down" day sets the voice back a little as well
- Spirits, to keep them high as they are best medicine on the "bad" days
- Me, I feel myself getting tired at times and not as motivated as I need to be to stay an active cheerleader and a part of Molly's healthcare team with the doctors, nurses, therapists, etc, and to ask the right questions and make proper suggestions for her care.
- Travel mercies. Lots of family and friends on the road this week, weekend and next week.
- Raymond (Molly's dad) He is staying strong, but he really misses Molly and the trip up here is very hard on him, so he probably will not see her until we get her back to Ohio.
- Raymond agian for his health. He and I are going to see his doctor on Friday for a consultation regarding the results about his recent cardiology tests.
Thanks agian for all you all do! You will never know how much it means to Molly & I. God Bless each of you!
Jamey & Molly
Molly & Jamey,
Just want you both to know that I think of you each day! Your strength and positive outlook is truly an inspiration to everyone. Take care of each other!
Mandy Winner-Albers
(Nicklin friend from the past)
I am thrilled with the miracles I have seen performed on and through you !You are truly a child of God as we all are and you make me very proud to be one of his pilgrams. Know that I wll continue to pray for you both every time I think of you and I sure hope they take that tube out. That will make you feel much better.
your sister in christ.
Miracles do happen and you are living proof. We will keep the prayers coming. Alec asks about you almost daily, misses his "Mrs. French". Keep up the hard work. Your strengh is amazing. As for you Jamey, you deserve a pat on the back and just go ahead and pass along to Molly. Both of you are an inspiration to me. Keep the info coming, and we are looking forward to you two getting back to OHIO. Fight the good fight as true Buckeyes.
Bill Randall & family
Molly and Jamey,
Molly we pray that your kidney's wake up soon so you don't have to go through all those long days. I couldn't imagen all that you have gone through and yet how strong even on the weak days you are.
Jamey I am sure some nice r and r will help get you pumped back up to go and cheer Molly on for those last few weeks of being in Michigan. You are so right it will be nice to get her close to home for her dad. I know he misses her. But he always says he is doing alright.
It is awesome thought to see the Mighty works of GOD. He has taken the old man off and made you guys new and WHOLE in His goodness and grace..
Keep strong. I am right her cheering you guys on ..
Michelle and Zach
Hi Molly & Jamey!!!!!! Just a quick note to remind you that you are loved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a wonderful and extremely BLESSED day!!!!!!!! We love you!!!!! THE BOOKERS: HOLLI, TYEAL JORDAN & KENNEDY
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