Friday, May 2, 2008


We are both sorry it has been a couple of days since our last update, but I couldn't get Molly out of the car. Yes that is right, physical therapy had us go to our car and had Molly get in the car. when it was time to get out, she refused, crossed her arms, pouted and said, "lets go home!" OK that may be a bit of an exaggeration, but it is close. Anyway, things continue to progress in all areas. Molly is now starting to sleep better, continuing to impress the docs and therapists, transferring from the wheelchair to just about anything she wants, taking showers regularly (YEAH, and not just for her, but all of us), eating good, very few medications, using absolutely no pain meds at all, not even during dressing changes, etc, etc, etc. We got the chance to go visit some of the nurses in the SICU that took care of Molly when she first got to the U of M hospital. It was good to see them and to say thank you, even though thank you will never be enough. They were all happy to see Molly and just can't believe how much progress she has made and how well she is doing. while they have seen many people with similar illnesses, they have not seen anyone get well so fast. We are looking forward to this weekend as we get to escape for a little while with a day pass for Saturday and Sunday. As forward as I am looking to our upcoming excursion, I am not looking forward to Molly's choice of food fare, McDonalds! For some reason she craving a McDonalds cheeseburger and fries. She is not even sure why, hopefully this will pass. anyway, it will be great to get off the hospital property for a few hours. Looking toward next week, therapy will continue so Molly can keep getting stronger, more flexible, and more able to use her wheelchair and other things we all take for granted. The trauma surgeons should be in in the next day or so and take a look at her legs and make a determination as to when they want to do the final skin graft on her left leg. this will be the final surgery and in the big scheme of things should be minor and short. Recovery and healing of the grafted area will be quick so we can get home and continue with outpatient therapy in Greenville. SPECIFIC THINGS TO PRAY FOR
  • Hands and fingers to keep gaining feeling and flexibility
  • Healing of open areas on stumps and overall healing of grafts
  • Keeping high spirits for both of us as we continue to discover our new definition of 'normal' and return home to everyday life in the next few weeks.
  • Finding the right outpatient therapy center that can provide the needed services
  • Finding the right prosthetist when the time comes to be fitted with new legs
  • Clarity for what we are supposed to do to help others from this experience

Thank you will never suffice for what each of you have done for us, but nonetheless, Thank You for the prayers, positive thoughts, cards, gifts, comments, visits, etc. etc. etc.

God Bless you all!


Molly & Jamey


Anonymous said...


Zach thinks it is cool you are hungry for McDonald's. Even though when we go out to eat we go to Wendy's. :-)
I don't blame you one bit for wanting to just come on home. But You gave me 2 wks to get out hehe.. You know I would go early if I have too. JUST WANT YOU HOME!!!!!!!
We will be so glad when you do.
I will tell you all this all the time. You are amazing. Your in our thoughts and prayers every day.

Love ya,
Michelle , Zach, Dan and Sonja

Maggie C. said...

Hey Molly,
I can't believe you might be home in 2 weeks!!!! Amazing !! And how exciting for you !! Therapy sounds like it's going great, and I always knew you were as strong on the outside as you are on the inside!! Keep up the hard work !! I continue to pray for you each week !! Can't wait to see you again !!
Love you,
Maggie Copeland

Anonymous said...

Eat a fry for us Molly! Hope the weather is great and you enjoy your day even if it is in enemy territory.

The Cloyd's

Sandy said...

McDonald's??? Oh please girlfriend you can do better than that!!! LOL
Keep up the good work, I'll be thinking of you the whole time I'm in DC. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're both getting a break from the Hospital! Keep up the great job of getting better!!! We are all excited, and blessed that you have come through so much, and have done so very well!!!! You have touched many people over the course of your lives. I definetly believe you will touch many many more in Jesus Name!!!!! "ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO THOSE WHO BELIEVE"! We Pray for you daily! And we love you dearly!!!! I speak blessings upon blessings upon you in JESUS NAME, AMEN!!!!!! Love always Holli & Girls

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update Jamey. Its so good to hear positive, everyday is getting better it sounds like. You two enjoy your weekend off from therapy and enjoy each other and God's beautiful scenery right now. Everything is so green and in bloom. What moron can say there is no God. We look at his creation everyday, and we have hear the power of prayer and healing through your blog. All I can say is Praise the Lord whom all blessings flow. I say thank you Jamey and Molly for being the example for all of us and sharing your story everyday. What a witness for Christ you both are. Have a great weekend. Love and Prayers Carol H