Monday, May 5, 2008


WHEW, What a weekend. McDonalds on Saturday and then we stepped it up a notch and went to Applebees on Sunday. Had lots of excitement and fun the entire weekend with a lot of last minute, unexpected visitors from the Fourmans on Saturday, Bud on Sunday morning and Tom & Joanne in the afternoon. Joanne brought me lilacs and they have made the whole room smell wonderful. While out on Sunday we looked up neighbors from the lake that live in Plymouth. Joy and Ashley were home and got to visit with them for a short while. The nurses on the rehab unit fight over me because Jamey and I are never in the room so they don't have anything to do regarding taking care of me except forcing a few pills down my throat when we do show up at the room. This is a great physical sign that I am getting better and stronger because we are able to get out of the room so easily now and take off out and about. Except for today when they tracked us down so they could put in an IV for my surgery tomorrow. I thought I was done with holes in my arms, but this is definitely the last one. Surgery should be very quick and easy tomorrow. We do not know for sure yet, but it sounds like I will stay on the Rehab floor and they will be treating the surgery almost as an outpatient procedure and will be able to return to the rehab floor afterwards. I hope this is the case because Jamey doesn't want to have to move all my stuff to another room. He is looking into a U-Haul already to get it all home when the time comes. While my roommate Nancy is great we are not so sure about her family as they keep showing up with Maize and Blue on all the time and giving us a hard time about being Buckeyes. Not really, they are huge Wolverine fans, but they have been great to visit with and have had a lot of fun with them going back and forth with the rivalry. Given our circumstances, it has been good to laugh with them and break the boredom a little from time to time. We got the chance to visit Trauma Burn again and it was great to see some of the nurses again. It is hard to believe, but we actually kinda miss them. they had become such a huge part of our lives for several months that you get close to them and it is sort of sad when you have to say goodbye to them, even though good bye is a sign that i am getting better. so it was nice to see them again. My whole team of health care providers continue to tell me that I am progressing at an unbelievable rate and are going to start researching providers to continue my care back home. SPECIFIC PRAYER AREAS
  • SURGERY! We think surgery is scheduled at 10:30 tomorrow morning, pray for safe, successful and quick surgery of the last small graft on my left stump
  • HANDS & FINGERS! They continue to get better, while therapy is painful and still have a ways to go, still need prayer for complete returned function and use.
  • Nancy, My roommate. She will be going to a nursing home for a few months before getting to go home. They are a great family and she needs prayers for physical and emotional healing. she gets down about her situation from time to time.

We continue to be amazed by all the cards and prayers we receive daily. We know that the speed of my recovery has to do with all the positive thoughts and prayers. Jamey and I still have a long way to go on this journey to return to normal and to decide what and how to use this experience, so continued prayers are definitely needed.

God Bless Each Of You!


Molly & Jamey


Anonymous said...

hey girl,

I know you will do fine tomorrow and everything will go good for you and you will be home in no time. I am so happy that you get to come home so soon. It will be awesome having you back. Though I will have to say I am going to be a little home sick for the pets.
They have brought has so much joy and fun..

We will say big prayers tonight . God is so good.

Lot's of love ,
Michelle and family

Anonymous said...


Sounds like a great weekend except for the maize and blue part!

We will pray for your surgery tomorrow and a homecoming next week!

People have been holding you both close to the Lord by prayer over the last couple of months. In the days ahead when you get home, the baton is going to be passed on to the two of you. Find a good church home where your souls are fed. That will get you through the next set of challenges that you face!

Take care, we look forward to seeing you around town!

The Cloyd's

Anonymous said...

Molly and Jamey
Your blue and gold days are numbered and you'll soon be OHIO bound! Prayers for the surgery in the morning. Praying it will be a piece of cake!

It was so good to talk to you today. Sorry it got cut short!

Knowing God is healing you beyond belief!

Anonymous said...

Molly & Jamey, So glad to hear you are out and about so much! We had a gorgeous day yesterday, and today will even be better, hope it will be the same there!!!!!! Molly you sound great!!!! You have no idea what a blessing you have been to me and the girls, Jamey too!! We are expecting great news from your last surgery!!! The only thing I'm sorry about is all you've had to go through.... but I know God will use it in a Huge to touch others, AND YOU, FOR THE GOOD!!! YOU KNOW THERE ARE A LOT OF DUCKS IN THE WORLD, BUT THE LORD MADE YOU AND JAMEY TO BE EAGLES!!!! AND SOAR YOU SHALL!!!!!! MUCH LOVE & PRAYERS!!!! The Bookers: Holli, Tyeal, Jordan & Kennedy

Anonymous said...

It is so great that you are writing the news yourself!!!! I am so happy that you will be home soon. I know your surgery will go well. TAke care and see you soon!!!!
THe Beseckers

Anonymous said...

hi molly and jamey,

i just wanted you to know i'm still praying for you daily, even though i don't post that many comments, i think of you all of the time. i love you and i hope i get a chance to see you soon. love and blessings, gail